Eos offers an updated version of the signature Navigator style: a true time-honored classic that has the rare ability to adapt to each individual's unique personality. And, just like any classic piece, a navigator frame will always complement your signature style and, in doing so, help you look your best.
Caliber 57 mm
Width 138 mm
17mm bridge
142mm shaft
Frame materials
Frame materials
Hinges with custom titanium threaded tube screw system
Custom titanium rods with round grooved component
Ceramic nose pads with beta-titanium temples
Slow materials
Slow materials
High contrast 4 base CR-39 sun lenses with triple layer anti-reflective coating
Further specifications
Further specifications
Weight (gr): 27.43
Hinges: Custom titanium threaded tube screw system
Temples: Custom titanium with round fluted component
Nose pads: ceramic with beta-titanium temples
Made in Japan